
Spectromancer multiplayer
Spectromancer multiplayer



Maybe he can let Valve update the page, but imo it´s not really important, because a) There´s definitely no install-limit! and b) Some players may think not to buy it, when they see it, but it´s a very stupid thought. We all love Cooler, he is so great, living for the community (day and night!), discuss with us in forum (jokes included).he even plays with us sometimes (chats included)! Show me just one developer which does all this!


I hope you get a bit a better picture now, why the DRM can´t be removed.many players would complain "Hey, what´s this Cooler? Why the hell I have to install Steam now to play my good old Spectro?" We, the beta players, determine finally the expansion by discussing balance-stuff and so on in Forum together with Cooler. The point is, that the game is updated from time to time, so the Steam-version is not always the current version.also there are betas, when a new expansion comes out. If Cooler decides one day to make it a Steam-only-game, the DRM will be for sure removed, but I don´t want that this ever happens, because most Spectro-players prefer to play the game not over Steam, I too.


Just keep in mind, that the DRM can´t be removed, because you can download the game anytime on. Instead I'll be buying Magic which is much more sensible and only uses Steamworks. Unlike many other virtual card games, Spectromancer downplays 'deck building' as a core gameplay mechanic. I won't be buying any more expansion for this game due the hidden DRM. Multiplayer 3 different ways to play against humans: Hotseat, LAN or in the Online League Replays You can save replays of games and then re-watch them later to see where you went wrong. If the information on Steam's page about your game is not correct or accurate then it's up to you to fix that. I'm angry that I bought this game without knowing it had extra unnecessary draconian DRM on it because it wasn't listed on the page. Play this Fantasy game now or enjoy the many other related games we have at POG. It's ridiculous that this game has this and you refuse to take it off and worse yet that the information is not mentioned on the store page and you tell US to tell Valve? No you do it. Spectromancer: Truth & Beauty (CCG) is a new and popular Magic game for kids. You still need to get a clue and get with the 21st century and account based DRM (which Steam already is by the way) rather that limited activation based DRM. Spectromancer Multiplayer Beta News by Kieron Gillen Contributor Published on 1 Apr, 2008 Those who remember the ancient days of February will recall me blogging. It's YOUR game that YOU chose to sell here why don't YOU ask them to stop false advertising and put the correct information up. Originally posted by Tealus:If you're not going to remove it, then you need to update the Steam store page and add the 3rd party DRM and activation limits like honest developers do.I can't update it myself, so it's better to ask Valve.

Spectromancer multiplayer